Te Whare Tapa Wha

Te whare tapa Wha is a well being model designed to help inncorporate Maori culture and ideology into mental health care. It focus on the 4 main dimesions of well being. These are; taha tinana (physical wellbeing)taha hinengaro (mental wellbeing), taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing), taha whānau (family wellbeing).

In this blog I will create my own wellbeing plan using this model as a guide

Taha Tinana - Physical Wellbeing

I try my very best to keep active as much as possible, especially when sitting behind a computer for hours on end every day. I've never been super into exercise but fortunealtey Ive found in passions in some active activites.

Taha Hinengaro (emotional and mental wellbeing)

In my opinion there are 2 main aspects of Taha Hinengaro that I should focus on, Eating Well and Mindfulness. Me and my girlfriend try our best to cook healthy meals every night even on a tight bufget. Making sure I get a good serving of , carbs and veggies. In terms of mindfullness, I've been experimenting with mediation for the past couple years kind of going in and out of phases. I would really like to start meditating more regularly on the daily.

Taha Wairua (spiritual wellbeing)

I am personally not a religous person however I am very fascinated by budhist teachings. My interpretation is that you are your own god. What we experience in our life is what our brains subjectivley make of it. without direction or clarity, it can be easy to lead yourself down a path of suffering. Through minfulmess and mediation you are able to guide yourself onto any path you desire and determine your own destiny. I think these ideas what be incredibly benefitial to think about while I do my daily meditaions.

Taha Whānau (family wellbeing)

Family wellbeing is the idea of being close and keeping good connections with those who are important to you. Im currently living in a different city to both my parents and I honestly probably dont call them enough. i think it would be great to make time to call each parent for a good catchup at least once a week.

Whenua (land)

This part of the module really has a focus on staying in touch with nature and the outdoors. Like I said earlier I have a few different passions that keep me outside. The best one for this would have to be disc golf. Christchurch has many different courses to play all with different scenery.